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Bishop, Thomas (1929-2022)

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Bishop, Tom
[Nom de personne]


(par souci de protection des données à caractère personnel, le jour et le mois de naissance peuvent ne pas être affichés)
Langue d'expression : multilingue
Pays : Etats-Unis d'Amérique
Date de naissance :    1929
Date de mort :    2022
Genre : Masculin


Note publique d'information : 
Né à Vienne, naturalisé américain

Note publique d'information : 
Professeur de littérature, Directeur de la Maison française, puis du Département de français à New York University


Le Passeur d'océan / T. Bishop, 1989

Wikipedia, 2022-01-05

Information trouvée : Tom Bishop died at his home in New York on January 2 at the age of 92. He was one of the last great figures of a generation of American intellectuals who reshaped the transatlantic world after the war. Tom Bishop was born in 1929, in a Jewish family of the Viennese bourgeoisie. Nine years later, at the time of the Anschluss, his family fled, first to Hungary, then to Paris. Then, faced with the collapse of France, a hasty departure for New York was organized in the spring of 1940. Student, he deepened his taste for French literature at New York University, before completing with a doctorate at Berkeley on Luigi Pirandello, a rare Italian infidelity. Tom Bishop then joined New York University (NYU), which he never left. At the age of 30, he took over the management of the French House, created in 1957. Throughout his career, he remained attached to this institution and participated in making it one of the most brilliant centers of French culture in the United States

Identifiants externes

Identifiant VIAF :
Identifiant VIAF :
Identifiant ISNI : 0000000116994765

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