Documentation Documentation
Identifiant pérenne de la notice : 040692590Copier cet identifiant (PPN)
Notice de type FMeSH

Point d'accès autorisé

Pays en voie de développement

Variantes de point d'accès

Countries, Developing
[Nom commun]
Country, Developing
[Nom commun]
Developing Country
[Nom commun]
Least Developed Countries
[Nom commun]
Countries, Least Developed
[Nom commun]
Country, Least Developed
[Nom commun]
Developed Countries, Least
[Nom commun]
Developed Country, Least
[Nom commun]
Least Developed Country
[Nom commun]
Less-Developed Countries
[Nom commun]
Countries, Less-Developed
[Nom commun]
Country, Less-Developed
[Nom commun]
Less Developed Countries
[Nom commun]
Less-Developed Country
[Nom commun]
Under-Developed Nations
[Nom commun]
Nation, Under-Developed
[Nom commun]
Nations, Under-Developed
[Nom commun]
Under Developed Nations
[Nom commun]
Under-Developed Nation
[Nom commun]
Third-World Countries
[Nom commun]
Countries, Third-World
[Nom commun]
Country, Third-World
[Nom commun]
Third World Countries
[Nom commun]
Third-World Country
[Nom commun]
Third-World Nations
[Nom commun]
Nation, Third-World
[Nom commun]
Nations, Third-World
[Nom commun]
Third World Nations
[Nom commun]
Third-World Nation
[Nom commun]
Under-Developed Countries
[Nom commun]
Countries, Under-Developed
[Nom commun]
Country, Under-Developed
[Nom commun]
Under Developed Countries
[Nom commun]
Under-Developed Country
[Nom commun]
Developing Nations
[Nom commun]
Developing Nation
[Nom commun]
Nations, Developing
[Nom commun]
Less-Developed Nations
[Nom commun]
Less Developed Nations
[Nom commun]
Less-Developed Nation
[Nom commun]
Nation, Less-Developed
[Nom commun]
Nations, Less-Developed
[Nom commun]
Nations du tiers-monde
[Nom commun]
Nations en voie de développement
[Nom commun]
Nations moins développées
[Nom commun]
Nations sous-développées
[Nom commun]
Pays du tiers-monde
[Nom commun]
Pays en développement
[Nom commun]
Pays les moins développés
[Nom commun]
Pays moins développés
[Nom commun]
Pays sous-développés
[Nom commun]
Nations du tiers-monde
[Nom commun]
Nations en voie de développement
[Nom commun]
Nations moins développées
[Nom commun]
Nations sous-développées
[Nom commun]
Pays du tiers-monde
[Nom commun]
Pays en développement
[Nom commun]
Pays les moins développés
[Nom commun]
Pays moins développés
[Nom commun]
Pays sous-développés
[Nom commun]


Note publique d''information : 
Countries in the process of change with economic growth, that is, an increase in production, per capita consumption, and income. The process of economic growth involves better utilization of natural and human resources, which results in a change in the social, political, and economic structures

Note générale sur le champ d'application : 
do not confuse with DEVELOPED COUNTRIES; IM; specify country or countries if relevant

Point d'accès autorisé parallèle

Developing Countries

Identifiants externes

Identifiant MeSH : mesD003906

Utilisation dans FMeSH

Qualificatifs autorisés : CL / EC / HI / SN71

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