Documentation Documentation
Identifiant pérenne de la notice : 04071506XCopier cet identifiant (PPN)
Notice de type FMeSH

Point d'accès autorisé


Variantes de point d'accès

[Nom commun]
Hallucinations, Visual
[Nom commun]
Hallucination, Visual
[Nom commun]
Visual Hallucination
[Nom commun]
Visual Hallucinations
[Nom commun]
Hallucination of Body Sensation
[Nom commun]
Body Sensation Hallucination
[Nom commun]
Body Sensation Hallucinations
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations, Auditory
[Nom commun]
Auditory Hallucination
[Nom commun]
Auditory Hallucinations
[Nom commun]
Hallucination, Auditory
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations, Dissociative
[Nom commun]
Dissociative Hallucination
[Nom commun]
Dissociative Hallucinations
[Nom commun]
Hallucination, Dissociative
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations, Elementary
[Nom commun]
Elementary Hallucination
[Nom commun]
Elementary Hallucinations
[Nom commun]
Hallucination, Elementary
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations, Formed, of People
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations, Gustatory
[Nom commun]
Gustatory Hallucination
[Nom commun]
Gustatory Hallucinations
[Nom commun]
Hallucination, Gustatory
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations, Hypnagogic
[Nom commun]
Hallucination, Hypnagogic
[Nom commun]
Hypnagogic Hallucination
[Nom commun]
Hypnagogic Hallucinations
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations, Hypnapompic
[Nom commun]
Hallucination, Hypnapompic
[Nom commun]
Hypnapompic Hallucination
[Nom commun]
Hypnapompic Hallucinations
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations, Internal Body Sensation
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations, Kinesthetic
[Nom commun]
Hallucination, Kinesthetic
[Nom commun]
Kinesthetic Hallucination
[Nom commun]
Kinesthetic Hallucinations
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations, Mood Congruent
[Nom commun]
Hallucination, Mood Congruent
[Nom commun]
Mood Congruent Hallucination
[Nom commun]
Mood Congruent Hallucinations
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations, Mood Incongruent
[Nom commun]
Hallucination, Mood Incongruent
[Nom commun]
Mood Incongruent Hallucination
[Nom commun]
Mood Incongruent Hallucinations
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations, Olfactory
[Nom commun]
Hallucination, Olfactory
[Nom commun]
Olfactory Hallucination
[Nom commun]
Olfactory Hallucinations
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations, Organic
[Nom commun]
Hallucination, Organic
[Nom commun]
Organic Hallucination
[Nom commun]
Organic Hallucinations
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations, Reflex
[Nom commun]
Hallucination, Reflex
[Nom commun]
Reflex Hallucination
[Nom commun]
Reflex Hallucinations
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations, Sensory
[Nom commun]
Hallucination, Sensory
[Nom commun]
Sensory Hallucination
[Nom commun]
Sensory Hallucinations
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations, Somatic
[Nom commun]
Hallucination, Somatic
[Nom commun]
Somatic Hallucination
[Nom commun]
Somatic Hallucinations
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations, Tactile
[Nom commun]
Hallucination, Tactile
[Nom commun]
Tactile Hallucination
[Nom commun]
Tactile Hallucinations
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations, Verbal Auditory
[Nom commun]
Auditory Hallucination, Verbal
[Nom commun]
Auditory Hallucinations, Verbal
[Nom commun]
Hallucination, Verbal Auditory
[Nom commun]
Verbal Auditory Hallucination
[Nom commun]
Verbal Auditory Hallucinations
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations, Visual, Formed
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations, Visual, Unformed
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations visuelles
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations auditives
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations dissociatives
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations élémentaires
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations complexes de personnes
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations complexes à type de personnes
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations gustatives
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations hypnagogiques
[Nom commun]
Visions du demi-sommeil
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations hypnopompiques
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations avec sensation intracorporelle
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations avec sensation intra-corporelle
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations kinesthésiques
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations congruentes avec l'humeur
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations non congruentes avec l'humeur
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations olfactives
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations organiques
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations réflexes
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations sensorielles
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations somatiques
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations tactiles
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations cénesthésiques
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations auditives verbales
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations acoustico-verbales
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations acousticoverbales
[Nom commun]
Hallucination de l'illusion
[Nom commun]
Hallucinations visuelles élémentaires
[Nom commun]


Note publique d''information : 
Subjectively experienced sensations in the absence of an appropriate stimulus, but which are regarded by the individual as real. They may be of organic origin or associated with MENTAL DISORDERS

Note générale sur le champ d'application : 
/chem ind: consider also HALLUCINOGENS

Notice d'autorité liée

Point d'accès autorisé parallèle


Identifiants externes

Identifiant MeSH : mesD006212

Utilisation dans FMeSH

Qualificatifs autorisés : DI / PS / IM / MI / DG / PP / RH / EN / ET / MO / EP / BL / CF / CI / DH / DT / TH / PX / UR / VI / HI / CL / EC / GE / NU / EH / PC / PA / ME / CO / SU

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