Documentation Documentation
Identifiant pérenne de la notice : 040765393Copier cet identifiant (PPN)
Notice de type FMeSH

Point d'accès autorisé

Surveillance post-commercialisation des produits de santé

Variantes de point d'accès

Product Surveillance, Post-Marketing
[Nom commun]
Post-Marketing Product Surveillance
[Nom commun]
Post-Marketing Product Surveillances
[Nom commun]
Product Surveillance, Post Marketing
[Nom commun]
Product Surveillances, Post-Marketing
[Nom commun]
Surveillance, Post-Marketing Product
[Nom commun]
Surveillances, Post-Marketing Product
[Nom commun]
Evaluation Studies, Postmarketing
[Nom commun]
Evaluation Study, Postmarketing
[Nom commun]
Postmarketing Evaluation Studies
[Nom commun]
Postmarketing Evaluation Study
[Nom commun]
Studies, Postmarketing Evaluation
[Nom commun]
Study, Postmarketing Evaluation
[Nom commun]
Postmarketing Product Surveillance
[Nom commun]
Postmarketing Product Surveillances
[Nom commun]
Product Surveillances, Postmarketing
[Nom commun]
Surveillance, Postmarketing Product
[Nom commun]
Surveillances, Postmarketing Product
[Nom commun]
Surveillance post-marketing des produits de santé
[Nom commun]
Études d'évaluation post-commercialisation
[Nom commun]
Études d'évaluation post-marketing
[Nom commun]
Drug Surveillance, Postmarketing
[Nom commun]
Drug Surveillances, Postmarketing
[Nom commun]
Postmarketing Drug Surveillance
[Nom commun]
Postmarketing Drug Surveillances
[Nom commun]
Surveillance, Postmarketing Drug
[Nom commun]
Surveillances, Postmarketing Drug
[Nom commun]
Pharmacovigilance post-commercialisation
[Nom commun]
Pharmacovigilance post-marketing
[Nom commun]
Surveillance post-marketing des produits de santé
[Nom commun]
Études d'évaluation post-commercialisation
[Nom commun]
Études d'évaluation post-marketing
[Nom commun]


Note publique d''information : 
Surveillance of drugs, devices, appliances, etc., for efficacy or adverse effects, after they have been released for general sale

Note générale sur le champ d'application : 
not restricted to drugs; surveillance after release for general sale

Point d'accès autorisé parallèle

Product Surveillance, Postmarketing

Identifiants externes

Identifiant MeSH : mesD011358

Utilisation dans FMeSH

Qualificatifs autorisés : EC / MT / ST / SN / TD89(83); was see under EVALUATION STUDIES 1983-88

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