Documentation Documentation
Identifiant pérenne de la notice : 040795136Copier cet identifiant (PPN)
Notice de type FMeSH

Point d'accès autorisé

Cellules souches tumorales

Variantes de point d'accès

Cell, Neoplastic Stem
[Nom commun]
Cells, Neoplastic Stem
[Nom commun]
Neoplastic Stem Cell
[Nom commun]
Stem Cell, Neoplastic
[Nom commun]
Tumor Stem Cells
[Nom commun]
Cell, Tumor Stem
[Nom commun]
Cells, Tumor Stem
[Nom commun]
Stem Cell, Tumor
[Nom commun]
Stem Cells, Tumor
[Nom commun]
Tumor Stem Cell
[Nom commun]
Tumor Initiating Cells
[Nom commun]
Cell, Tumor Initiating
[Nom commun]
Cells, Tumor Initiating
[Nom commun]
Initiating Cell, Tumor
[Nom commun]
Initiating Cells, Tumor
[Nom commun]
Tumor Initiating Cell
[Nom commun]
Stem Cells, Neoplastic
[Nom commun]
Cellule souche tumorale
[Nom commun]
Cellules initiatrices de tumeurs
[Nom commun]
Cellules souches néoplasiques
[Nom commun]
Cancer Stem Cells
[Nom commun]
Cancer Stem Cell
[Nom commun]
Cell, Cancer Stem
[Nom commun]
Cells, Cancer Stem
[Nom commun]
Stem Cell, Cancer
[Nom commun]
Stem Cells, Cancer
[Nom commun]
Neoplastic Colony-Forming Units
[Nom commun]
Colony-Forming Unit, Neoplastic
[Nom commun]
Neoplastic Colony Forming Units
[Nom commun]
Neoplastic Colony-Forming Unit
[Nom commun]
Unit, Neoplastic Colony-Forming
[Nom commun]
Units, Neoplastic Colony-Forming
[Nom commun]
Colony-Forming Units, Neoplastic
[Nom commun]
Colony Forming Units, Neoplastic
[Nom commun]
Cellules souches cancéreuses
[Nom commun]
Cellule souche cancéreuse
[Nom commun]
Unités formant des colonies de cellules tumorales
[Nom commun]
Cellule souche tumorale
[Nom commun]
Cellules initiatrices de tumeurs
[Nom commun]
Cellules souches néoplasiques
[Nom commun]


Note publique d''information : 
Highly proliferative, self-renewing, and colony-forming stem cells which give rise to NEOPLASMS

Point d'accès autorisé parallèle

Neoplastic Stem Cells

Identifiants externes

Identifiant MeSH : mesD014411

Utilisation dans FMeSH

Qualificatifs autorisés : CL / CY / DE / EN / IM / ME / MI / PS / PA / PH / RE / TR / UL / CH / VI2008 (1984)

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