Documentation Documentation
Identifiant pérenne de la notice : 050851578Copier cet identifiant (PPN)
Notice de type FMeSH

Point d'accès autorisé

Techniques de double hybride

Variantes de point d'accès

Technique, Two-Hybrid System
[Nom commun]
Techniques, Two-Hybrid System
[Nom commun]
Two Hybrid System Techniques
[Nom commun]
Two-Hybrid System Technique
[Nom commun]
Two-Hybrid Method
[Nom commun]
Method, Two-Hybrid
[Nom commun]
Methods, Two-Hybrid
[Nom commun]
Two Hybrid Method
[Nom commun]
Two-Hybrid Methods
[Nom commun]
Two-Hybrid System Technics
[Nom commun]
Technic, Two-Hybrid System
[Nom commun]
Technics, Two-Hybrid System
[Nom commun]
Two Hybrid System Technics
[Nom commun]
Two-Hybrid System Technic
[Nom commun]
Two-Hybrid Assay
[Nom commun]
Assay, Two-Hybrid
[Nom commun]
Assays, Two-Hybrid
[Nom commun]
Two Hybrid Assay
[Nom commun]
Two-Hybrid Assays
[Nom commun]
Méthode de double hybride
[Nom commun]
Technologie de double hybride
[Nom commun]
Test de double hybride
[Nom commun]
One-Hybrid System Techniques
[Nom commun]
One Hybrid System Techniques
[Nom commun]
One-Hybrid System Technique
[Nom commun]
Technique, One-Hybrid System
[Nom commun]
Techniques, One-Hybrid System
[Nom commun]
One-Hybrid System Technics
[Nom commun]
One Hybrid System Technics
[Nom commun]
One-Hybrid System Technic
[Nom commun]
Technic, One-Hybrid System
[Nom commun]
Technics, One-Hybrid System
[Nom commun]
Reverse One-Hybrid System Techniques
[Nom commun]
Reverse One Hybrid System Techniques
[Nom commun]
Yeast Two-Hybrid System Techniques
[Nom commun]
Yeast Two Hybrid System Techniques
[Nom commun]
Yeast Two-Hybrid System
[Nom commun]
System, Yeast Two-Hybrid
[Nom commun]
Systems, Yeast Two-Hybrid
[Nom commun]
Two-Hybrid System, Yeast
[Nom commun]
Two-Hybrid Systems, Yeast
[Nom commun]
Yeast Two Hybrid System
[Nom commun]
Yeast Two-Hybrid Systems
[Nom commun]
Yeast Two-Hybrid Assay
[Nom commun]
Assay, Yeast Two-Hybrid
[Nom commun]
Assays, Yeast Two-Hybrid
[Nom commun]
Two-Hybrid Assay, Yeast
[Nom commun]
Two-Hybrid Assays, Yeast
[Nom commun]
Yeast Two Hybrid Assay
[Nom commun]
Yeast Two-Hybrid Assays
[Nom commun]
Reverse Two-Hybrid System Techniques
[Nom commun]
Reverse Two Hybrid System Techniques
[Nom commun]
Three-Hybrid System Techniques
[Nom commun]
Technique, Three-Hybrid System
[Nom commun]
Techniques, Three-Hybrid System
[Nom commun]
Three Hybrid System Techniques
[Nom commun]
Three-Hybrid System Technique
[Nom commun]
Tri-Hybrid System Techniques
[Nom commun]
Technique, Tri-Hybrid System
[Nom commun]
Techniques, Tri-Hybrid System
[Nom commun]
Tri Hybrid System Techniques
[Nom commun]
Tri-Hybrid System Technique
[Nom commun]
Three-Hybrid System Technics
[Nom commun]
Technic, Three-Hybrid System
[Nom commun]
Technics, Three-Hybrid System
[Nom commun]
Three Hybrid System Technics
[Nom commun]
Three-Hybrid System Technic
[Nom commun]
Yeast One-Hybrid System Techniques
[Nom commun]
Yeast One Hybrid System Techniques
[Nom commun]
Yeast Three-Hybrid System Techniques
[Nom commun]
Yeast Three Hybrid System Techniques
[Nom commun]
Yeast Three-Hybrid System
[Nom commun]
System, Yeast Three-Hybrid
[Nom commun]
Systems, Yeast Three-Hybrid
[Nom commun]
Three-Hybrid System, Yeast
[Nom commun]
Three-Hybrid Systems, Yeast
[Nom commun]
Yeast Three Hybrid System
[Nom commun]
Yeast Three-Hybrid Systems
[Nom commun]
Yeast Three-Hybrid Assay
[Nom commun]
Assay, Yeast Three-Hybrid
[Nom commun]
Assays, Yeast Three-Hybrid
[Nom commun]
Three-Hybrid Assay, Yeast
[Nom commun]
Three-Hybrid Assays, Yeast
[Nom commun]
Yeast Three Hybrid Assay
[Nom commun]
Yeast Three-Hybrid Assays
[Nom commun]
n-Hybrid System Techniques
[Nom commun]
System Technique, n-Hybrid
[Nom commun]
System Techniques, n-Hybrid
[Nom commun]
Technique, n-Hybrid System
[Nom commun]
Techniques, n-Hybrid System
[Nom commun]
n Hybrid System Techniques
[Nom commun]
n-Hybrid System Technique
[Nom commun]
Reverse Three-Hybrid System Techniques
[Nom commun]
Reverse Three Hybrid System Techniques
[Nom commun]
Techniques de simple hybride
[Nom commun]
Technologie de simple hybride
[Nom commun]
Techniques de simple hybride inversé
[Nom commun]
Techniques de double hybride chez la levure
[Nom commun]
Système de double hybride chez la levure
[Nom commun]
Test de double hybride chez la levure
[Nom commun]
Techniques de double hybride inversé
[Nom commun]
Techniques de triple hybride
[Nom commun]
Technologie de triple hybride
[Nom commun]
Techniques de simple hybride chez la levure
[Nom commun]
Techniques de triple hybride chez la levure
[Nom commun]
Système de triple hybride chez la levure
[Nom commun]
Test de triple hybride chez la levure
[Nom commun]
Techniques de n-hybride
[Nom commun]
Techniques de triple hybride inversé
[Nom commun]
Méthode de double hybride
[Nom commun]
Technologie de double hybride
[Nom commun]
Test de double hybride
[Nom commun]


Note publique d''information : 
Screening techniques first developed in yeast to identify genes encoding interacting proteins. Variations are used to evaluate interplay between proteins and other molecules. Two-hybrid techniques refer to analysis for protein-protein interactions, one-hybrid for DNA-protein interactions, three-hybrid interactions for RNA-protein interactions or ligand-based interactions. Reverse n-hybrid techniques refer to analysis for mutations or other small molecules that dissociate known interactions

Note publique d''information : 
Variations on the two-hybrid system technique that analyze for proteins interacting with specific DNA sequences

Note publique d''information : 
Variations on the two-hybrid system technique that analyze for mutations or small molecules that interfere with or dissociate specific protein-DNA interactions

Note publique d''information : 
Variations on the two-hybrid system technique that analyze for mutations or small molecules that interfere with or dissociate specific protein-protein interactions

Note publique d''information : 
Variations on the two-hybrid system technique that analyze for proteins that interact with specific RNA molecules

Note publique d''information : 
Variations on the two-hybrid system technique

Note publique d''information : 
Variations on the two-hybrid system technique that analyze for mutations or small molecules that interfere with or dissociate specific interactions between protein and RNA molecules or other ligands

Notice d'autorité liée

Point d'accès autorisé parallèle

Two-Hybrid System Techniques

Identifiants externes

Identifiant MeSH : mesD020798

Utilisation dans FMeSH

Qualificatifs autorisés : AE / CL / EC / HI / IS / MO / NU / PX / ST / TD / VE / SN / ES2000

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