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Notice de type Auteur-Titre

Point d'accès autorisé

Hippocrate (0460-0377 av. J.-C.). Nature de l'enfant

Variantes de point d'accès

De natura pueri
[Titre uniforme]
Hippocrates (0460-0377 av. J.-C.). De natura pueri


Commentary on Hippocrates' Epidemics VI fragments = Ioannis Alexandrini in Hippocratis epidemiarum librum VI commentarii fragmenta / John of Alexandria... ; ed., transl., and notes by John M. Duffy. Commentary on Hippocrates' On the nature of the child = Ioannis Alexandrini in Hippocratis de Natura pueri commentarium / John of Alexandria ; ed. and transl. by T.A. Bell,nD. P. Carpenter, D. W Schmidt... [et al.].- Berlin : Akademie Verl., 1997

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