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O'Reilly, John (1951-....)


(par souci de protection des données à caractère personnel, le jour et le mois de naissance peuvent ne pas être affichés)
Langue d'expression : anglais
Pays : Irlande
Date de naissance :    1951
Genre : Masculin


Note publique d'information : 
Université de Belfast, puis Liverpool et Strathclyde, U.K., et enfin Glasgow : (Professor of Control Engineering in the Centre for Systems and Control and Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering )


Singular perturbation methods in control : analysis and design / Petar V. Kokotovic,..., Hassan K. Khalil,..., John O'Reilly,... - London : Academic Press, 1986, consultée le 20.1.2012

Information trouvée : O'Reilly, John (1951-....) ; PhD and DSc degrees in Engineering in 1972, 1976 and 1985, all from the Queen's University of Belfast. Having previously held faculty positions at Queen's University Belfast, University of Liverpool and University of Strathclyde, U.K., he is currently Professor of Control Engineering in the Centre for Systems and Control and Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at the University of Glasgow, Scotland; He was also Editor (1992-2002) of the International Book Series on Systems and Control (Taylor & Francis)

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Identifiant VIAF :
Identifiant ISNI : 0000000083535182

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