Documentation Documentation
Identifiant pérenne de la notice : 114599688Copier cet identifiant (PPN)
Notice de type FMeSH

Point d'accès autorisé

Lymphocytes T régulateurs

Variantes de point d'accès

T Lymphocytes, Regulatory
[Nom commun]
Regulatory T-Lymphocyte
[Nom commun]
Regulatory T Lymphocyte
[Nom commun]
T-Lymphocyte, Regulatory
[Nom commun]
Treg Cell
[Nom commun]
Cell, Treg
[Nom commun]
Cells, Treg
[Nom commun]
Regulatory T-Lymphocytes
[Nom commun]
Regulatory T Lymphocytes
[Nom commun]
T-Cells, Regulatory
[Nom commun]
Treg Cells
[Nom commun]
Regulatory T-Cells
[Nom commun]
Regulatory T Cell
[Nom commun]
Cell, Regulatory T
[Nom commun]
Cells, Regulatory T
[Nom commun]
Regulatory T Cells
[Nom commun]
T Cell, Regulatory
[Nom commun]
T Cells, Regulatory
[Nom commun]
Regulatory T-Cell
[Nom commun]
Cellules T régulatrices
[Nom commun]
Thymocytes régulateurs
[Nom commun]
Th3 Cells
[Nom commun]
Cell, Th3
[Nom commun]
Cells, Th3
[Nom commun]
Th3 Cell
[Nom commun]
Suppressor T-Lymphocytes, Naturally-Occurring
[Nom commun]
Naturally-Occurring Suppressor T-Lymphocyte
[Nom commun]
Naturally-Occurring Suppressor T-Lymphocytes
[Nom commun]
Suppressor T Lymphocytes, Naturally Occurring
[Nom commun]
Suppressor T-Lymphocyte, Naturally-Occurring
[Nom commun]
Suppressor T-Cells, Naturally-Occurring
[Nom commun]
Naturally-Occurring Suppressor T-Cell
[Nom commun]
Naturally-Occurring Suppressor T-Cells
[Nom commun]
Suppressor T Cells, Naturally Occurring
[Nom commun]
Suppressor T-Cell, Naturally-Occurring
[Nom commun]
T-Cell, Naturally-Occurring Suppressor
[Nom commun]
T-Cells, Naturally-Occurring Suppressor
[Nom commun]
Tr1 Cells
[Nom commun]
Tr1 Cell
[Nom commun]
Cell, Tr1
[Nom commun]
Cells, Tr1
[Nom commun]
Cellules Th3
[Nom commun]
Cellules Th-3
[Nom commun]
Lymphocytes T suppresseurs produits naturellement
[Nom commun]
Cellules T suppressives
[Nom commun]
Lymphocytes T suppresseurs
[Nom commun]
Cellules Tr1
[Nom commun]
Cellules Tr-1
[Nom commun]
Cellules T régulatrices
[Nom commun]
Thymocytes régulateurs
[Nom commun]


Note publique d''information : 
CD4-positive T cells that inhibit immunopathology or autoimmune disease in vivo. They inhibit the immune response by influencing the activity of other cell types. Regulatory T-cells include naturally occurring CD4+CD25+ cells, IL-10 secreting Tr1 cells, and Th3 cells

Note publique d''information : 
CD25-negative regulatory cells found in the mucosal immune system. They secrete IL-4; IL-10; and TGF-BETA. The natural origin of this cell type is not clear

Note publique d''information : 
CD4-positive, CD25-positive T-cells that play a unique role in the regulation of the immune response. They function to inhibit autoreactive T-cells

Note publique d''information : 
CD25-negative regulatory cells found in the mucosal immune system. They secrete IL-10 and TGF-BETA. The natural origin of this cell type is not clear

Point d'accès autorisé parallèle

T-Lymphocytes, Regulatory

Identifiants externes

Identifiant MeSH : mesD050378

Utilisation dans FMeSH

Qualificatifs autorisés : CL / CY / DE / EN / IM / ME / MI / PS / PA / PH / RE / TR / UL / CH / VI2006, 1985-1994; use T-LYMPHOCYTES 1995-2005

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