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Identifiant pérenne de la notice : 027527336Copier cet identifiant (PPN)
Notice de type Collectivité

Point d'accès autorisé

Grande-Bretagne. Special Operations Executive (1940-1946)

Variantes de point d'accès

[Nom de collectivité]
Grande-Bretagne. SOE
[Nom de collectivité]
The Baker Street Irregulars
[Nom de collectivité]
British Special Operations Executive
[Nom de collectivité]
Grande-Bretagne. Ministry of Economic warfare. Special Operations Executive
[Nom de collectivité]
Special Operations Executive (GB)
[Nom de collectivité]
MI6. Section D
[Nom de collectivité]


Date de naissance : 07 -  1940
Date de mort : 1946


Internet,, 13-03-2005

Information trouvée : The Special Operations Executive (SOE), often called "the Baker Street Irregulars" after Sherlock Holmes's fictional group of spies, was a World War II organisation initiated by Winston Churchill in July of 1940 as a mechanism for conducting warfare by means other than direct military engagement. Originally designated as 'Section D' of MI6, the mission of the SOE was to encourage and facilitate espionage and sabotage behind enemy lines and to serve as a focal point for the formation of a vestigial resistance movement in Britain itself (the Auxiliary Units) in the possible event of an Axis invasion. Known also as Churchill's Secret Army. SOE was dissolved officially in 1946

LCNA, 1977-1986

Parachutées en terre ennemie / Monika Siedentopf ; préface d'Olivier Wieviorka ; traduit de l'allemand par Amélie de Maupeou, 2008

Identifiants externes

Identifiant VIAF :
Identifiant ISNI : 0000000122951497

Utilisation dans Rameau

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Le point d'accès ne peut s'employer qu'en élément initial

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