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Argumedo, Alcira (1940-2021)

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Argumedo, Alcira Susana
[Nom de personne]


(par souci de protection des données à caractère personnel, le jour et le mois de naissance peuvent ne pas être affichés)
Langue d'expression : espagnol; castillan
Pays : Argentine
Date de naissance :    07 /  05 /  1940
Date de mort :    02 /  05 /  2021
Genre : Inconnu


Note publique d'information : 
Socologue et politicienne


Los silencios y las voces en América Latina : notas sobre el pensamiento nacional y popular / Alcira Argumedo, 2006

Information trouvée : A intégré les "catedras nacionales", faculté de Philosophie et de Lettres de Buenos Aires, de 1968 à 1974, 2021-05-04

Information trouvée : Alcira Susana Argumedo (7 May 1940 – 2 May 2021) was an Argentine sociologist, academic and was member of the Argentine Chamber of Deputies. She was nominated as a candidate for president on the Proyecto Sur ticket for the 2011 general elections. She enrolled at the University of Buenos Aires, and earned a degree in Sociology in 1965. She taught at her alma mater's School of Philosophy and Letters between 1968 and 1974, and served as Secretary of Culture by Buenos Aires Province Governor Oscar Bidegain during his brief 1973-74 tenure. She continued to teach, and wrote numerous treatises on the impact of globalization in the Third World during the early 1970s. The March 1976 coup and the subsequent Dirty War compelled Argumedo to leave Argentina in 1978, and she sought exile in Mexico. She worked in the Latin American Institute of Transnational Studies (ILET), published numerous articles for IPECAL, and served as adviser to Gabriel García Márquez and Juan Somavía in a discussion regarding New World Information and Communication Order hosted by UNESCO.Argumedo was a founding member of a center-left political party, Frente Grande, in 1993, with Congressman Carlos Álvarez, film-maker Pino Solanas, human rights activist Graciela Fernández Meijide and others disaffected with President Carlos Menem's turn to the right. Argumedo was among the co-founders in 2007 of Proyecto Sur, a leftist political party founded and led by Pino Solanas. She was elected to the Argentine Chamber of Deputies in 2009 for the City of Buenos Aires, and became part of the leadership in the Education Committee

Identifiants externes

Identifiant VIAF :
Identifiant ISNI : 0000000028216218

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