Companion to marital spirituality / edited by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi, Monica Sandor,
Companion to marital spirituality / edited by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi, Monica Sandor,
Information trouvée : "[He] is a senior researcher at the International Academy for Marital Spirituality
(INTAMS) in Brussels, Belgium, and editor of the "INTAMS review : journal for the
study of marriage and spirituality". Since 2005 he holds the INTAMS Chair for the
study of marriage and spirituality at the Theology Faculty of the Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven, Belgium. He is the author of "Die Unvertretbarkeit von Individualität : der
wissenschafts-philosophische Ort der Theologie nach Karl Rahners "Hörer des Wortes'
" (Würzburg 1995) and has published articles on the theology and spirituality of marriage.
He is married with Annette Port le Roi and father of a son."
Internet, site de la Library of Congress indique 1961 comme date de naissance (page
consultée le 04/08/2010)