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Identifiant pérenne de la notice : 211625183Copier cet identifiant (PPN)
Notice de type Notice de regroupement

Point d'accès autorisé

A curious collection of paintings and other curiosities; will be sold by auction, at the Barbadoes Coffee-House in Exchange Alley, over against the Royal Exchange in Cornhil, The sale begins on Monday the 21st of December, at four of the clock in the afternoon, and continnes [sic] till all are sold. Conditions of sale. I. The highest bidder is to be deemed the buyer. II. The buyers are to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay a third part of the value, if desired, or to be put up again. III. But, if two or more shall claim any lot, then to be put up again. IV. Buyer is to pay for and take away what pictures, &c. shall be bought, within three days after the sale, and to pay for the porteridge. V. No person to bid less than six pence at a time

Variantes de point d'accès

A curious collection of paintings and other curiosities; will be sold by auction, at the Barbadoes Coffee-House in Exchange Alley, over against the Royal Exchange in Cornhil
[Notice de regroupement]
A curious collection of paintings and other curiosities; will be sold by auction, at the Barbadoes Coffee-House in Exchange Alley, over against the Royal Exchange in Cornhil. The sale begins on Monday the 21st of December, at four of the clock in the afternoon, and continnes [sic] till all are sold
[Notice de regroupement]


Langue d'expression : anglais
Date de parution :  1691

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