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The danger of the church-establishment of England,, from the insolence of Protestant Dissenters. Wherein it appears from their late Writings, That they have attempted to subvert the Liturgy, the Canons, Articles, and the whole Discipline of the Church of England; To Ruin the Reputation of the Universities and the Episcopal Clergy, and to Inflame the Minds of the People against the Establish'd Form of Church-Government in this Kingdom. With Short Remarks upon every Chapter. In a letter to Sir John Smith. By the author of The scourge

Variantes de point d'accès

The danger of the church-establishment of England,, from the insolence of protestant dissenters. Wherein it appears from their late writings, that they have attempted to subvert the liturgy, the canons, articles, and the whole discipline of the Church of England; From the Insolence of Protestant Dissenters. Wherein it appears from their late Writings, That they have attempted to subvert the Liturgy, the Canons, Articles, and the whole Discipline of the Church of England; To Ruin the Reputation of the Universities and the Episcopal Clergy, and to inflame the Minds of the People against the Establish'd Form of Church-Government in this Kingdom. With Short Remarks upon every Chapter. In a letter to Sir John Smith. By the author of The scourge
[Notice de regroupement]
The danger of the church-establishment of England, [Texte imprimé]
[Notice de regroupement]


Langue d'expression : anglais
Date de parution :  1718

Notice d'autorité liée

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