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Orzechowski, Gerhard (1902-1977)


(par souci de protection des données à caractère personnel, le jour et le mois de naissance peuvent ne pas être affichés)
Langue d'expression : allemand
Pays : Allemagne
Date de naissance :    14 /  11 /  1902
Date de mort :    29 /  07 /  1977
Genre : Masculin


Note publique d'information : 
Médecin. Professeur de pharmacologie et de toxicologie

Identifiants externes

Identifiant VIAF :
Identifiant ISNI : 000000039046496X


Ein Fall von primärem Tubenkarzinom : Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde in der Medizin und Chirurgie bei der medizinischen Fakultät der Schlesischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Breslau / vorgelegt von Gerhard Orzechowski med. Praktikant, [1927] [Thèse de médecine]

Gift- und Arzneipflanzen von Mitteleuropa / Otto Gessner, Gerhard Orzechowski, 1974

Information trouvée : Professeur de pharmacologie et de toxicologie [2022.03.15]

Information trouvée : Gerhard Richard Theodor Orzechowski (born November 14, 1902 in Rosenberg , Upper Silesia , † July 29, 1977 ) was a German medic. - Orzechowski was born as the son of the physician Waldemar Orzechowski in Rosenberg, Upper Silesia. At the age of 25 he received his doctorate in medicine in Wroclaw . His habilitation took place in June 1934 at the HU Berlin . From October 16, 1939, he was an adjunct professor of pharmacology and head of the medical department of the state hospital in Schleswig-Stadtfeld. Orzechowski is said to have developed the experimental drug D-IX , which was intended to be given to German soldiers on the front in 1944. After the war he became senior physician at the municipal auxiliary hospital in Kiel (1946/47) and from 1947 to 1950 he held this position in Rendsburg . In addition, he was the head of the clinical-scientific department of the company Dr. Madaus , Cologne

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