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Panaĭotov, Plamen (1958-….)


(par souci de protection des données à caractère personnel, le jour et le mois de naissance peuvent ne pas être affichés)
Langue d'expression : bulgare
Pays : Burundi
Date de naissance :    1958

Identifiants externes

Identifiant VIAF :


Evropeĭski perspektivi za razvitie na nakazatelnoto zakonodatelstvo, 2014: t.p. (Проф. д-р Пламен Панайотов = Prof. d-r Plamen Panaĭotov [in rom.]) added t.p. (Prof. Plamen Panayotov, PhD); Wikipedia, Apr. 21, 2015 (Plamen Aleksandrov Panayotov (Bulgarian: Пламен Александров Панайотов) (born 20 January 1958) is a Bulgarian politician and academic who served as deputy Prime Minister in charge of European integration in the Sakskoburggotski cabinet between 2003 and 2005. Born in Sliven, Panayotov graduated from the juridical faculty of Sofia University in 1983 with a degree in legal studies. He subsequently earned a doctorate and became a professor of criminal law in 2012)

Ukrivatelstvo po Nakazatelnii︠a︡ kodeks na Republika Bŭlgarii︠a︡ / Plamen Panaĭotov, 1997.

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