Identifiant pérenne de la notice : 256889988
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Note publique d'information : Présentation de l'éditeur : "During the four decades that have passed since the 1982
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea was negotiated, there has been considerable
advancement in the knowledge of a number of important issues addressed in the Convention.
Among those issues are marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction,
including marine genetic resources; the continental shelf, including seafloor highs,
and its outer limits; and deep seabed mineral resources. At the same time, as a consequence
of global warming, fundamental changes are taking place in many areas related to the
law of the sea. In particular, sea level is rising globally, which may affect baselines,
maritime limits and boundaries of coastal States. New Knowledge and Changing Circumstances
in the Law of the Sea, edited by Tomas Heidar, which includes twenty-two Chapters
by prominent legal and scientific experts, focuses on these critical developments,
the challenges they pose to the existing legal framework, and the various ways in
which States are addressing these challenges."