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Fire safety engineering design of structures


Langue d'expression : anglais
Date de parution :  1996


Note publique d'information : 
"Preface Since the publication of the second edition of this book, Structural Fire Safety Engineering has become a recognized engineering discipline and prompted the need for a third edition. Advances of the discipline also allowed updating of various sections such as material modelling. The intention of this text is to provide tools to fire safety engineers to enable them to design structures that can withstand the accidental effects of fires that result in total or partial destruction. Other than references to furnace testing (whose data are mainly historical), the authors concentrated on the European Design Codes. Designers should still be aware that any design code is subject to revision or amendment and that it is essential that the most recent edition of any guidance be used. Where this produces a discrepancy between this text and a code, the code must be considered the final arbiter. The large scale fire tests carried out at Cardington led to a reassessment of frame behaviour, especially in relation to composite steel-concrete frame structures in that whole structure performance markedly outweighs performances of single elements and connection details significantly affect both types of behaviours. In discussions of Eurocodes, national annexes were not considered directly. Any nationally determined parameters were taken at recommended values and not amended to conform to an individual country's national guidance. "

Notice d'autorité liée

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