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Organization Design, The evolving state-of-the-art

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Organization Design
[Notice de regroupement]


Langue d'expression : anglais
Date de parution :  2006


Note publique d'information : 
Organization Design: The Evolving State-of-the-Art outlines the larger role that organizational design is increasingly playing in management theory and practice. The book's chapters review the main theoretical perspectives on organization design, identify important theoretical and practical issues currently facing the field, and suggest ways for valuable research to be conducted in the future. The chapters include sections that describe how the theoretical argument or empirical study specifically informs organization design theory and practice. The volume is organized in four sections: (1) Theoretical and Practical Issues, (2) Fit, Contingency and Configuration, (3) Design and Performance, and (4) The Dynamics of Adaptation and Change. The book will be a broad discussion of topics in the field, but each individual paper will provide in depth analysis of the topic. A common element and theme is a focus on core theories in organization design and emerging perspectives. The book will be a 2005-benchmark publication of organization design theory, principles and concepts, and it will be an important step in creating better models and stronger empirical analyses.

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