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The Portrait of Mr. W.H

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Le portrait de Mr. W. H.
[Notice de regroupement]
The Portrait of Mr. W.H. Poems in prose
[Notice de regroupement]
The portrait of Mr W. H.
[Notice de regroupement]
Le portrait de Mr W. H.
[Notice de regroupement]
Le Portrait de Mr. W. H.
[Notice de regroupement]
W. H. jaunaren erretratua
[Notice de regroupement]


Langue d'expression : anglais
Date de parution :  1992


Note publique d'information : 
During a conversation about literary forgeries, Erskine tells his young guest that he has received what is purported be an Elizabethan portrait. The painting depicts a beautiful young man in late-16th-century costume, who Graham claimed to be Willie Hughes, a boy-actor serving in Shakespeare's company.--Provided by publisher

Notice d'autorité liée

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